Board and auditor

Andreas Borg Chairman of the Board

Andreas Borg, born in 1984, is a serial entrepreneur and has founded several companies in various industries, most recently in the real estate sector. Previously, Andreas has worked as a consultant for a major Swedish fund.

Other ongoing assignments: Chairman of Dalaörnen Bostäder AB, Tallstaden AB, Masify Capital AB (publ), BRF Idet Fjällby I, board member of Wärmlansvärden AB, Wärmlansvärden Filipstad AB, EQTARG Capital AB, EQTARG Capital II AB, EQTATARG Capital III AB, Petrotarg AB (publ), Petrotarg Energy AB, Bo-Sell Fastigheter AB, and owner of Industrikronan AB.

Shareholding in Mavshack: 0

Independent of Mavshack and Mavshack's management.

Independent of major shareholders.

Rainier David Board Director

Rainier David, born in 1972, has been a lawyer for 24 years with a focus on M&A and business law and a board member since 2015. Rainier has a Doctor of Jurisprudence from the Ateno School of Law and has been a member of Philippine Bar since 1998. Rainier was CEO of Mavshack in 2016- 2017 and works with Mavshack's streaming venture in the Middle East.

Main occupation: CEO of Debonair Productions, Inc. CEO Aimtek Corporation, Chairman of the real estate developer SMILAX Corportation. Other board assignments: Ambient Media

Shareholding in Mavshack: 1,000,000

Stock Options:

TOKP2020: 500,000

TOKP2021: 1,000,000

Independent of Mavshack and Mavshack's management.

Independent to major shareholders.

Jonas Löfgren Board director

Jonas Löfgren, 1974, is an entrepreneur and has founded several digital companies, most recently Audiodo/Hearezanz AB.  Previously Jonas has worked as a CTO at Plotagon AB.

Other board assignments:  Chairman of the Board at Hearezanz AB, Audiodo AB and Creatinare AB.

Shareholding MAV: 0

Independent of Mavshack and Mavshack's management.

Independent to major shareholders.

Thomas Edselius Board Director

Thomas Edselius, born in 1963, is a business economist and has worked as CEO/CFO/COO in several major companies such as Linklaters Law Firm, Tempur AB, and AcadeMedia AB.

Other ongoing assignments: Chairman of FastOut Int AB.

Shareholding in Mavshack: 0

Independent of Mavshack and Mavshack's management.

Independent to major shareholders.


Henrik Nilsson Auditor


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